We are honored that Adrian Dayton shared the thoughts of our CEO, Gina Rubel, in his Forbes article, Why You Shouldn’t Have A Virtual Conference. When asked about the article, Rubel said, “I have benefited greatly from various virtual conferences in the last few weeks – getting to participate in programs that I otherwise wasn’t able to attend (even without the pandemic). While virtual conferences are by no means perfect, under the current restrictions, I do believe they serve a good purpose.”
Dayton’s article focuses on the downside of virtual conference, asserting that they lack a captive audience, cannot maintain attention, and are missing the impromptu interactions with other attendees. While Rubel agrees with much of this, she notes, “Virtual conferences are a mixture of not being physically present and less-than-perfect technology. However, they are better than not sharing important and useful content when it is timely, relevant, and needed by so many.”
In the article, Rubel said, “If it’s relevant to me, I welcome the opportunity to learn.” Her sentiment resonated with other legal marketers, as hers was the most popular poll response among those who engaged with the informal social media survey.
To read the full article visit Forbes website.