LinkedIn Changes #SM Game with Groups: Messages Added to Newsfeed [Blog]
Friends of Furia Rubel, we received a message today from LinkedIn regarding groups, which is important to your networking, business development, marketing and public relations efforts. Messages within groups will now show up in your individual newsfeed. Until now, you had to go into a group to engage with members or you had to get it in your email to stay on top of the information being shared. This change will make engaging with group members more effective and efficient. We have included the official announcement from LinkedIn below.
If you are not yet harnessing the power of groups on LinkedIn for your social media engagement efforts, you should be. Just go into and start searching for areas of interest. If you are a lawyer, search for “lawyers,” “attorneys,” your practice areas, your educational institution alumni groups, professional, nonprofit and religious organizations to which you have an affiliation, etc. The same goes for any profession or trade. There is a group for everyone on LinkedIn – and if there is not, then start one.
Remember, don’t just engage with groups to which you have an affinity. Be sure to engage with groups where you can learn from its members, connect with new people, and reach your target audience.
LinkedIn Announcement: “Integrating Groups into the main LinkedIn experience”
We’re currently working on making some changes to the LinkedIn Groups experience, and because you are a valued group admin, we wanted to give you some advance details on what’s coming. Groups is at the heart of what makes LinkedIn a trusted place for professionals to help and support one another, and the changes we’re planning will make Groups a bigger part of the main LinkedIn experience.
Our focus on re-integrating Groups back into the core LinkedIn experience means that we will no longer be able to support a standalone iOS app for Groups; that app will stop working as of February 15, 2018. But please know that your existing group memberships and contributions will not be affected as part of that change.
As a preview, here are some of the improvements you can look forward to when we roll them out to the main LinkedIn Groups web and mobile experiences:
Discover and access Groups more easily. You’ll be able to access your Groups right from the homepage, and you’ll see the latest content from your Groups in notifications and the homepage feed.
Be a part of richer conversations. You’ll be able to post videos into your groups, @mention the members you want to weigh in, and keep the conversation going by replying to comments.
Ultimately, our goal is to create an even better Groups experience within the primary LinkedIn applications, so we are putting our focus there over the coming weeks and months. We’ll be sending you updates as these improvements and many others become available. Stay tuned!
The LinkedIn Team