Furia Rubel, a Doylestown, Pa. strategic planning, marketing and public relations agency, is joining the Bucks County Housing Group (www.bchg.org) in kicking off the social service organization’s annual “Hunger Doesn’t Take A Vacation” food collection program. The primary goal of the food drive is to keep local food pantries stocked during July and August, months when donations are lean, but need continues unabated. Celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2012 with a “10 for 10” Community Service Campaign, Furia Rubel is hosting its own food drive in support of the Housing Group’s summer program and is distributing branded grocery bags to clients, colleagues, family and friends during April and May to collect non-perishable food items.
“While many of us look forward to our summer vacations, hunger, unfortunately, does not take a vacation,” said Furia Rubel founder and CEO Gina F. Rubel, Esq. “In an effort to stop hunger in our area, we are asking our friends to join us in supporting the Bucks County Housing Group’s summer food drive. Gifts of non-perishable items, monetary donations and gift cards to local Bucks County grocery stores will help keep the county’s food pantries stocked for those who might otherwise go hungry this summer.”
Some of the needed non-perishable items include canned fruit, chunky soups, healthy kids’ snacks, instant coffee, peanut butter, jelly, juice boxes, kids’ cereals, powdered milk, spaghetti sauce, sugar and tuna. Organizations interested in supporting the “Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation” food drive may contact Furia Rubel at (215) 340-0480 or the Housing Group at (215) 598-3566. The Housing Group is also gratefully accepting monetary donations and/or gift cards to Acme Markets, Bottom Dollar Food, Giant, Kmart, Landis Super Markets, Target, Trader Joe’s, Walmart, Wegmans or Whole Foods Market.
Furia Rubel’s “10 for 10” campaign began with a free self-defense event in January 2012. Additional “10 for 10” efforts include providing pro bono public relations services in support of the United Way of Bucks County Women’s Initiative Power of the Purse event; working with Doylestown Township to spearhead and participate in an Adopt-A-Road Program; serving as the Italian-American community liaison for The James A. Michener Art Museum’s Offering of the Angels: Treasures from the Uffizi Museum Exhibition and the “Night at the Uffizi” gala; providing strategic planning support and participation in Deep Run Mennonite Church East’s Strides for Mission 5K; and volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House in Philadelphia.
About Furia Rubel: Celebrating its 10th year in business in 2012, the woman-owned certified agency consists of specialists who provide strategic planning, marketing, public relations, graphic design, websites, social media and media relations to a wide array of professional clients. Furia Rubel represents law firms, technology companies, educational and religious organizations, financial service, accounting and tax providers, nonprofits, pharmaceutical, manufacturing and elder care companies.
About Bucks County Housing Group: Bucks County Housing Group is a private, nonprofit social service organization which provides a wide range of housing and related social services to homeless and low-income families. The organization’s primary goal is to assist families in attaining permanent housing and financial security. For more information, visit www.bchg.org.