As a recognized source for legal marketing and business development trends, Jennifer frequently speaks at international and regional events.
Venues include:
- ALM LegalWeek | LegalMarketing
- Annual Law Firm Marketing & Business Development Leadership Forum
- Association of Corporate Counsel
- Content Marketing World
- #FollowFriday International Women’s Day Conference
- Legal Marketing Association
- New Jersey Professional Services Marketing Group
- New Jersey Women Lawyers Association
- The American Lawyer Law Firm Marketing & Business Development Leadership Forum
- World Services Group (WSG) European Regional Meeting
Sample topics include:
- Branding
- Business development
- Content marketing
- Client feedback
- Digital marketing strategy
- Employee advocacy
- Integrated communications
- Law firm and practice area differentiation
- Media relations
- Podcasting for law firms
- Public relations
- Social media strategy
- Strategic planning
Jennifer’s passion and enthusiasm coupled with her practical insight delivers engaging and thought-provoking programs to audiences.
To book Jennifer Simpson Carr as a speaker or moderator for your next program, call 215-340-0480 or send an email.